Forex Forecast of Currency Price Determined by the Forex News

By: Stephanie Mundle

Forex news comes in two categories. One tells you about what is happening with currencies and one actually affects currency prices.

The first group of forex news is historical, actual news. It tells us what has happened and is generally combined with an argument of why a currency price has shifted after the fact. Examples of this are the dollar went up because of home sales, the dollar went down because of the jobs report. Durable goods reporting will also affect currency price.

The second group of forex news is often reactionary. And may be related to the same information as the first group. The difference is in timing, after and before the release of the information. In the second category, the currency price changes because there is going to be an announcement – without even knowing what the announcement will say. An example is that the Federal Reserve is meeting today. Whether the expected news is good or bad, seemingly, the price can go up or down. And when the news is released – same apparent lack of pattern.

Traders create forex forecasts about what a meeting may release in their findings. Often just the scheduling of a meeting, press release or announcement will cause a fluctuation in the currency price. Day traders often take advantage of this somewhat reliable response.

Another influencing factor is political unrest, such as protests. Combining protests anywhere in the world, with GDP numbers, durable goods and home sales statistics all affect some currency price. Forex news is used by a group of traders who want more than just technical data to make decisions.

Forex forecasts and profits, especially for day traders, require volatility in the market. And change creates the spread, which they take advantage of. Regularly scheduled forex news, home sale announcements, the jobs report and durable goods reporting are the basis of market flux. And the forex world.

Stephanie Mundle is the managing editor of an informational forum site for the average investor. Take a look. Information on forex, debt, money management, investing and business.

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